Coach: Email Whitney Hedgepeth at whitney.hedgepeth@austin.utexas.edu", 2013 USMS Coach of the Year (PDF)
Goal: To improve a swimmer’s ability by working on endurance, fitness, and proper technique
The Longhorn Aquatics Masters Swimming team trains at the The University of Texas Lee and Joe Jamail Texas Swimming Center.
Masters team members range in age from 18 and up. Ability levels vary from swimmers who have college swimming experience to athletes learning competitive strokes, flip turns, and the technical aspects of the sport. Many members are tri-athletes who want to improve their skills. Swimmers are grouped by ability and experience for workouts. There is a friendly, helpful, and competitive environment at all workouts.
Workouts focus on:
- Fitness and endurance
- Proper form and technique
- Maintaining race-paced swimming, kicking, drill work, pulling, and fin work
Swimmers interested in the program are allowed one free try out session. An email must be sent to the coach asking permission and a try out form must be given to the UT swim center front desk and signed.

Join Masters Swimming Checklist
- Try-outs can be scheduled with Whitney Hedgepeth at whitney.hedgepeth@austin.utexas.edu
- Try-outs are Mondays at 6am or noon ONLY
- After tryout register online
- Provide proof of USMS membership card is required within 7 days of joining
- NO out of town drop-ins are permitted