Here at Longhorn Aquatics, we strive to make your athletes' protection and safety our highest priority.
By working together as coaches, athletes, parents, and volunteers we can ensure all members are supported in a safe and dependable environment both in and out of the pool.
- Longhorn Aquatics MAAPP Policy (PDF)
MAPP 2.0- effective 9/1/2021: Includes information on Applicable Adults, One-on-One Interactions, Social Media and Electronic Communications, Travel, Locker Rooms and Changing Areas, Massages, Rubdowns and Athletic Training Modalities. - USA Swimming Safe Sport: USA Swimming's general website for more information.
- USA Swimming Athlete Protection Training: Mandatory training for all non-athlete members and members 18 and over.
- TXLA Best Practices Guidelines (PDF)
- TXLA Bullying Action Plan (PDF)
- TXLA Grievance Policy and Procedures (PDF)
- TXLA Travel Permission - Local (PDF)
- TXLA Travel Permission - Competition (PDF)
- TXLA Health Professional Permission (PDF)
- USA Swimming Safe Sport Report: Guidelines to help you on the first step "Where do I report?"
- USA Swimming (719) 866-4578. Deal with a Safe Sport Concern
- U.S. Center for Safe Sport to make a report. Use the online reporting form, or call 833-5US-SAFE (587-7233), or find more information at www.uscenterforsafesport.org
- TXLA Safe Sport Email: bridgette.rhoades@austin.utexas.edu